PRO-LOCK® cable lockout has been a popular choice for locking valves vis-à-vis heavy chains used by the Oil & Gas sector over the past two decades during energy isolation programs. PRO-LOCK’s design and Operating Tool made it convenient for maintenance and operation personnel to isolate valves over chains which were bulky, heavy and prone to corrosion.
Although popular, customers faced issues with handling due to PRO-LOCK® small size and loss of Tightening wheel & Operating Tool on offshore platforms, oil rigs and ships. Downstream refineries faced similar issues during project commissioning.
LOTO Safety took up the challenge of creating a cable lockout which addressed these issues and the patented KAB-O-LOK™ Cable lockout was launched in late 2018.
The past 3 years has seen the popularity of KAB-O-LOK™ rising many fold due to it’s superior features and is slowly becoming the cable lockout of choice for isolating wheel valves across different industry segments.
ADNOC, Dolphin Energy and many more Oil & Gas companies have selected KAB-O-LOK™ for its superior performance and user friendly features over PRO-LOCK®.
KAB-O-LOK’s performance under the harshest conditions reduce substantial downtime when compared to PRO-LOCK®, making it the cable lockout of choice by industry professionals during shutdowns and turnarounds.
Here’s 5 reasons why your shopping list should include KAB-O-LOK™ prior to planning the next shutdown.

The base unit of KAB-O-LOK™ measures 69mm - over 2-1/2” making it easer to handle. Corrugations on all sides provide a firm grip when handling with gloves.

The PRO-LOCK® base unit measures 47mm with a smooth finish, difficult to handle with big hands and gloves.

The tightening wheel in KAB-O-LOK™ is locked into the base unit with a circlip preventing accidental loss. Time is of essence during shutdowns and turnarounds, especially on offshore rigs and platforms.

The PRO-LOCK® device does not include this feature. The tightening wheel comes off and falls into crevices on rigs & offshore platforms, making it unretrievable. This renders the device inoperable, increasing downtime during shutdowns.

KAB-O-LOK’s Operating Tool has been designed to lock into the device. The USP and salient feature of the Operating Tool allows the tool to be locked into the base unit. Locking the tool into the last base unit ensures tool can never be misplaced or lost and remains on site for the re-energization process.

PRO-LOCK’s Operating Tool design does not permit the tool to be locked into the base unit and has to be stored separately. Tools are prone to being misplaced or lost, increasing downtime and additional costs on replacements.

Post re-energization the cable can be quickly wound manually and stored into the clip on the back side of the base unit in KAB-O-LOK™. Keeping the cable intact results in huge savings on re-ordering lost or misplaced cables. Downtime on locating existing cables or re-ordering new cables is minimized.

The cables on PRO-LOCK® devices have to be stored separately or are discarded and new cables used in the next energy isolation program. Frequent cable replacements add to recurring costs.

The base unit of KAB-O-LOK™ has an inbuilt loop to store the Base unit + Cable + Operating tool as one unit into LOTO Stations post re-energization and ready for next use. Hanging the device as one unit ensures zero downtime in retrieving different parts of the device.

PRO-LOCK’s Base unit + Operating Tool + Cable need to be stored separately. Retrieving all parts individually takes additional time, loss or misplacement of any one part could make the unit inoperable.